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Insights from ContactMoney's State of Internal Comms Report

The field of internal communications continues to grow and evolve rapidly. To understand the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities facing internal communicators, ContactMonkey conducts an annual Global State of Internal Communications (GSIC) survey.

The newly released 2024 GSIC report compiles insights from communications professionals across 53 countries and over 400 organizations. It paints a picture of a function that is more crucial than ever, but still faces significant challenges.

Here are some of the key takeaways:

Employee Experience Takes Center Stage

For the fifth year in a row, employee experience was the top focus area for internal communicators. With many organizations facing instability from economic conditions, budget cuts, and layoffs, engaging employees has never been more important - or more difficult.

Communicators have responded by formalizing employee feedback processes (89% collect employee feedback), implementing recognition programs (70% have formal recognition in place), and partnering on DEI initiatives (85% are involved in DEI efforts). These efforts seem to be working, with slight increases in reported engagement levels compared to 2023.

Measurement Remains a Top Challenge

While 80% of respondents said leadership recognizes the value of internal communications, only 46.5% have a long-term IC strategy and 49.5% have no fixed budget. The lack of resources may be why measuring impact continues to be the biggest challenge, cited by 67% of communicators.

However, access to better tools and defined KPIs is helping close the measurement gap. 48% now use a third-party IC solution, holding steady from 2023. The most common KPIs are employee feedback, email metrics, and engagement scores. Showing concrete results will be key to securing the budgets and strategies communicators need.

The Future is Hybrid

Remote and hybrid work is here to stay, with 79% having some form of flexible work arrangement, down slightly from 85% in 2023. This has made channels like email even more critical - 75% use email more frequently in hybrid environments. Engaging deskless workers has also become a key priority, with 80% saying it is extremely or very important.

Emerging Technologies Gain Traction

Over half (54%) of communicators report using AI tools, with ChatGPT being the most common. While AI usage is still nascent, it has the potential to streamline content creation - currently the most time-consuming activity for 52% of communicators. Integration capabilities and analytics are the other top features IC teams look for in their tech stack.

Planning for an Uncertain Future

If 2024 has shown us anything, it's that internal communications is critical to helping organizations navigate change and uncertainty. While progress has been made in getting executive buy-in (72% say IC has become more critical), greater investment in strategic planning, dedicated resources, and measurement capabilities will be essential for IC to reach its full potential. Partnering closely with HR on the employee experience and leveraging technology smartly will also define the teams that thrive in the coming years.


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